Island Coalition offers nutrition workshops for high school students

by The Martha’s Vineyard Times

Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS), Island Grown Schools (IGS), and Vineyard Nutrition have teamed up to offer a series of nutrition workshops for high school students in January. The workshops, led by Josh Levy of Vineyard Nutrition, will focus on both sports nutrition and helping graduating seniors prepare for eating well at college, according to a press release.

“At IGS, we are able to bring school garden based learning to children across the Island from the time they are in preschool,” Noli Taylor, Island Grown Schools program leader said.  “At the high school level, we want to empower students to take what they’ve learned in the gardens and classrooms and translate it into action, making healthy food choices for themselves and seeing themselves as active participants in the community food system.”

The sports nutrition workshops will teach athletes what and when to eat and drink to excel at their practices and games. “The athletes train very hard,” Mr. Levy said. “We know proper nutrition can help them get the most out of their workouts and do their best during their competitions.”

Workshops for graduating seniors will be held in June and will focus on how to eat healthy in college. “College is the first time these students will be able to eat whatever they want at whatever time of day or night,” said Mr. Levy. “Especially growing up on the Island, with limited access to fast food, the transition can be challenging. We want to make sure they have the tools to eat healthfully and do well in college.”

For more information contact Claire Lafave at

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