Vineyard Nutrition and the YMCA of MV Partner to Offer Healthy Snacks for Kids
by Joyce Wagner MV Times August 29th, 2013 This Fall, the Y Café will be working with Josh Levy, Registered Dietitian (RD), to help evolve the menu to promote healthy food choices for adults and kids. Josh is also working with the After-School Program to help design a healthier snack menu and a workshop […]
Traditional Hummus
An easy and light summer snack.
Lettuce In, Raw or Cooked, We’re Delicious and Nutritious
by Prudence Athearn Levy, MS, RD, LD Vineyard Gazette August 8th, 2013 Summer is the time for taking advantage of the abundance of available fresh vegetables and fruits. Lightly steamed, prepared raw, sautéed or grilled, vegetables go with anything, anytime. Gobbled up as snacks, blended into smoothies or sliced on top of yogurt, fruit […]